pyfor.clip module

pyfor.clip.poly_clip(points, poly)

Returns the indices of points that are within a given polygon. This differs from ray_trace() in that it enforces a small “pre-clip” optimization by first clipping to the polygon bounding box. This function is directly called by Cloud.clip().

  • cloud – A cloud object.

  • poly – A shapely Polygon, with coordinates in the same CRS as the point cloud.


A 1D numpy array of indices corresponding to points within the given polygon.

pyfor.clip.ray_trace(x, y, poly)

Determines for some set of x and y coordinates, which of those coordinates is within poly. Ray trace is generally called as an internal function, see poly_clip()

  • x – A 1D numpy array of x coordinates.

  • y – A 1D numpy array of y coordinates.

  • poly – The coordinates of a polygon as a numpy array (i.e. from geo_json[‘coordinates’]


A 1D boolean numpy array, true values are those points that are within poly.

pyfor.clip.square_clip(points, bounds)

Clips a square from a tuple describing the position of the square.

  • points – A N x 2 numpy array of x and y coordinates, where x is in column 0

  • bounds – A tuple of length 4, min y and max y coordinates of the square.


A boolean mask, true is within the square, false is outside of the square.