Bryce Frank, Ph.D.



My research interests revolve around large scale analysis of forest resources. In particular:

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Remote Sensing

Frank, Bryce, Francisco Mauro, Hailemariam Temesgen, and Kevin Ford. 2019. Analysis of Classification Methods for Identifying Stands for Commercial Thinning using LiDAR. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing.

Frank, Bryce, Francisco Mauro, Hailemariam Temesgen. 2020. Model-based estimation of forest inventory attributes using lidar: a comparison of the area-based and semi-individual tree crown approaches. Remote Sensing.

Mauro, Francisco, Andrew Hudak, Patrick Fekety, Bryce Frank, Hailemariam Temesgen, David Bell, Matthew Gregory and Ryan McCarley. 2021. Regional Modeling of Forest Fuels and Structural Attributes Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Oregon. Remote Sensing.

Mauro, Francisco, Bryce Frank, Vicente J. Monleon, Hailemariam Temesgen, and Kevin Ford. 2019. Prediction of diameter distributions and tree-lists in southwestern Oregon using LiDAR and stand-level auxiliary information. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

Mauro, Francisco, Martin Ritchie, Brian Wing, Bryce Frank, Vicente J. Monleon, Hailemariam Temesgen, and Andrew Hudak. 2019. Estimation of changes of forest structural attributes at three different spatial aggregation levels in Northern California using multitemporal LiDAR. Remote Sensing.

Allometric Modeling

Allensworth, Elijah, Hailemariam Temesgen, Bryce Frank, and Andrew Gray. 2021. Imputation to predict height to crown base for trees with predicted heights. Forest Ecology and Managment.

Huy, Bao, Nguyen Thi Tinh, Krishna Poudel, Bryce Frank, and Hailemariam Temesgen. 2019. Taxon-specific modeling systems for improving reliability of tree aboveground biomass and its components estimates in tropical dry dipterocarp forests. Forest Ecology and Management.

Sampling Designs and Estimation

Frank, Bryce, Vicente J. Monleon. 2021. Comparison of Variance Estimators for Systematic Environmental Sample Surveys: Considerations for Post-stratified Estimation. Forests.

Frank, Bryce, Francisco Mauro, Constance A. Harrington, Kevin R. Ford. 2024. A Method for Updating Variable Radius Plot Surveys. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

Higham, Matt, Jay Ver Hoef, Bryce Frank, and Michael Dumelle. 2023 sptotal: an R package for predicting weighted sums from spatial data. The Journal of Open Source Software.

Temesgen, Hailemariam, Francisco Mauro, Andrew Thomas Hudak, Bryce Frank, Vicente Monleon, Patrick Fekety, Marin Palmer, Timothy Bryant. Using Fay-Herriot models and variable radius plot data to develop a stand-level inventory and update a prior inventory in the Western Cascades, Oregon, USA. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.

Software Packages

Higham, Matthew, Jay Ver Hoef, Bryce Frank. 2020. sptotal: Predicting Totals and Weighted Sums from Spatial Data. CRAN package repository.

Conference Papers

Frank, Bryce, Francisco Mauro, Manuel Gomez Roux, Antonio García Abril, Ana Hernando, Hailemariam Temesgen, Kevin Ford, José Antonio Manzanera de la Vega, and Ruben Valbuena. 2017. Small Area Estimation of Forest Attributes Using LiDAR Based Unit-Level Models and Area-Level Models at Two Different Scales.

Erhardt, John, Douglas Nemeth, Emilie Blevins, Alexa Maine, Courtney Newlon, Bryce Frank, Emily Johnson, Scott W. Miller, Jeff Moss, Anna Smith, Barbara Adams. 2022. Developing a standardized visual survey protocol for western North American freshwater mussels. American Fisheries Society.

Blevins, Emilie, Bryce Frank, Anna Smith, Jeff Moss. 2024. Inventory and assessment of freshwater mussels in the Bureau of Land Management Prineville District, Oregon. American Fisheries Society.

Other Publications

Blevins, Emilie, Alexa Maine, Bryce Frank, John Erhardt, Doug Nemeth, Anna Smith, Scott Miller, Jack Fetters, Zach Seilo, Courtney Newlon, Jeff Moss, Barbara Adams. 2024. Visual Survey Protocol Framework for Western North American Freshwater Mussels. Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.

Frank, Bryce. 2020. Aerial Laser Scanning for Forest Inventories: Estimation and Uncertainty at Multiple Scales. Dissertation. Oregon State University.